Monday, February 21, 2011

Autobiography in Five Short Chapters

Portia Nelson ~ There's a Hole in My Sidewalk

Chapter 1

I walk down the street.
There is a deep hole in the sidewalk.
I fall in.
I am lost ... I am helpless.
It isn't my fault.
It takes forever to find a way out.

Chapter 2

I walk down the same street.
There is a deep hole in the sidewalk.
I pretend I don't see it.
I fall in again.
I can't believe I am in the same place.
But it isn't my fault.
It still takes a long time to get out.

Chapter 3

I walk down the same street.
There is a deep hole in the sidewalk.
I see it is there.
I still fall in ... it's a habit.
My eyes are open.
I know where I am.
It is my fault.
I get out immediately.

Chapter 4

I walk down the same street.
There is a deep hole in the sidewalk.
I walk around it.

Chapter 5

I walk down another street.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Freedom from Separation

is not your natural state.

You are not separate from
everything and trying
to get to oneness.
You are doing separation.
You are actively
separating yourself
from this moment.
And I am not saying
not to have definitions,
not to call a chair a chair.
All of this happens.
This duality happens
in nonduality.

It is not one or the other,
it the same.
But because you latch
on to the definitions
you do not see the essence
of what is here.
It is not wrong to do this,
but if you want to be free
of stress, of anxiety
and conflict,
it is important
to realize you are
doing stress,
you are doing anxiety
you are doing conflict.
Because the mind
is so active,
it appears that
this is just occurring
and you are simply
a victim of suffering.
But once the thoughts
begin to slow down
and things become
more in balance,
you begin to recognize
this action of separation,
this action of creating yourself
to be a something
against everything else.
Something that needs
to be protected
that needs to control
everything else
in order to survive.
And when you clearly see this,
you can learn to stop doing it,
you learn to let it go when it arises.

Whatever arises,
instead of taking a position in it,
instead of grabbing hold of it,
you simply allow it to arise
and disappear
in the same way
bubbles rise up
in club soda.

They arise in water
and disappear in water.

You feel the bubbles arising
you experience the bubbles arising
but not as something separate.
You allow the bubbles
and remain as water.
You stop
fixating on definitions
and remain
in and as the unknowing.

Just do it!

No one can do it for us.  Never.  They can support us.  And they will support us.  Just do it.  Do what? Find your heart.  There is nothing else to do.  It is a practice which will take time.  Don't rush it.  Love it.

Separation and Duality are passe

Drop your illusion that you are separated from others and all things.  This illusion is just a shield which takes life energy to maintain.  It works hard to protect you from perceived fears, such as annihilation.  These fears and illusions are just concentrations in your psyhe or wrinkles in the fabric of the universe.  They were put there by others.  They are not part of your natural self.  Look inward and you will see and feel them.  Truly love them.  Don't wish them away.  Sit with them for a while.  They are life too.  But, they will soon loosen up and leave you and your old boundaries will fade away, and you will have all the proof you need that I am right and that you are beautiful and powerful and the kingdom of God is really within you. :-)

God is at the center of your black hole.

Mature Senior Woman Shock Surprise Laptop Computer
Don't waste my bandwidth if you are weak of heart or mind. You must be able to look God in the face and ask for what you need.  Her kingdom is full of life, and she is full of life, only to the degree you are full of life.  Life is at stake here and all is fair. 
If you don't get it, you're not alone.  If you still need to crawl, self-humiliate, kneel, stand, sit and give, give, give, to feel whole, then move on.  There are plenty of sites for you.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The Living End

I see you found it.
You are That Light!
You and the Sun are One.

Plato's Allegory of the Cave

In college I found a quiet room where I could hide in peace and study, or just daydream about the world.  It was very large with high ceilings.  The walls were stone halfway up.  There were couches along the walls, carpets on the floor, a hugh fireplace, and a grand piano.  The high walls were bare.  No one but  the occasional pianist and myself would ever visit it.  It was otherwise abandoned.  At that time I modeled for a painting of Plato's Allegory of the Cave: where Plato became enlightened, left the cave world of forms and ventured out into the true light.  The artist received permission to place her 15 foot high panelled paintings in "my" private room.  There, spanning the entire room, was this enormous painted story of Plato's search for and achievement of enlightenment.  The painting which I modeled for was right over the fireplace.
My entire life I have searched for enlightenment.  This blog is my continuing search, spelunking if you will.  My earlier post "Bee in a Bottle"  I wrote as my perspective on Plato's allegory, 5 years later.


In order for something to exist there must be an observer.  It is all about the observer (you).  When I catch myself forgetting to breath consciously with love, respect and gratitude, I take that deep lasting breath and I feel existence and life fill my body.  My senses return and my mind shuts down.  I sense my surroundings and hear all of the noises.  I am paying attention - observing - and my life returns.  It is as if, just prior, I was a rock.  My body gasps for air and shouts in gratitude.  Pay attention to your people, your plants and pets and yourself and observe life return.  They will shout in gratitude.

Friday, February 11, 2011

There is a grace approaching
that we shun as much as death,
it is the completion of our birth.
It does not come in time,
but in timelessness
when the mind sinks into the heart
and we remember.
It is an insistent grace that draws us
to the edge and beckons us surrender
safe territory and enter our enormity.
We know we must pass
beyond knowing
and fear the shedding.
But we are pulled upward
through forgotten ghosts
and unexpected angels,
And there is nothing left to say
but we are That.

~ Stephen Levine ~

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Do you care about small differences?

I care about everything.  There are no minor differences. It all matters.  Everything is a pure reflection of yourself, mirrored back constantly.  Every 'thing' is an emanation from the center of your black hole, and you emanate from its center.  Love all of yourself, and it will love all of you too.  Or you can love it, and it will love you.  You can start loving anywhere and the love will resonate and grow.

The meek shall inherit the Earth

The black hole is the kingdom of god and it is inside you.  Your life and creativity emanate from within it.  You will return to it when it swallows you up, and rebirth you out the other side. 

It is your center of gravity, for good reason.  It has infinite mass and therefore gravitational pull.  This isn't a vacuum suction full of nothing.  Feel this mass in your belly as your center.  Flex it. Clentch it.  It is attracting all that your desire effortlessly.  Now all you have to do is know what you really want at the subconscious level.  It is actually very easy to do - just look all around you.

Tend to it like a master gardener.  Cultivate it.  Cherish it, Retreat to it, Nourish it, Value, Respect, Love and Adore it.  Others don't tend to theirs and they will rape yours.  So, be ever vigilant and protective.  The meek are doing naught but tending to their creative life force emanating from their black hole whether they know it or not, and they are bliss.  All that is most worthy is theirs.

Without YOU, GOD is squat, nada. Just wait, She will find you.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Bliss is a Black Hole

She is the Black Hole - Creation and Destruction ongoing, out of time, in every present moment
The Kingdom is not how we have imagined it - not static or even pleasant at all.
It is Bliss; ever-present 'motionless' motion of Being.

Saturday, February 5, 2011


When with your lover I found that it is good to make proficient use of her ears and neck as a means into her body and heart.  They are readily available, more direct and just as powerful.  The use of many techniques is recommended.  Variation is definitely the spice of life here.  Higher pitched controlled sucking or a tight stream of air blowing in tight cirles around and into the ear canal, combined with a cold wet chill of sloppy saliva will let her know where she is and with whom she is laying.  Her neck and nipples will be waiting for you. :-)

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


When they say that the kingdom of God is within you, know what that kingdom looks like and you will know that you are living it now.  It doesn't actually get better ever.  This is it.  It just looks better.  While everything is relative, the viewpoint changes with the point of reference.  Reference death or acute suffering, or just about everything else objectively, and NONE of us can do much better.   But, reference yourself, from your viewpoint, and EVERYONE can do a bit better.  We are LIVING THE KINGDOM OF GOD NOW.  You are perfectly beautiful as you are, right now.


Anything less than pure compassion, empathy, and mercy generates a dark shade of karma, no matter how small, regardless of intent, fault or percieved justification/provocation.   At the sub-nuclear level we have the conservation of matter, energy, consciousness and karma, where human traits are inconsequential.  Karma is the great equalizer, beyond our notions of justice.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


My whole life I was living in my head.  I wasn't even aware that physically I was top heavy in my shoulders.  At the same time I was ready to move my power and self down into my more powerful self and regain my personal power, a very dear friend of mine suggested that I was "all in my shoulders."  At that time I recognized that as being true.  Now I recognize that my focus and concentration and power are from my gut.