Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The meek shall inherit the Earth

The black hole is the kingdom of god and it is inside you.  Your life and creativity emanate from within it.  You will return to it when it swallows you up, and rebirth you out the other side. 

It is your center of gravity, for good reason.  It has infinite mass and therefore gravitational pull.  This isn't a vacuum suction full of nothing.  Feel this mass in your belly as your center.  Flex it. Clentch it.  It is attracting all that your desire effortlessly.  Now all you have to do is know what you really want at the subconscious level.  It is actually very easy to do - just look all around you.

Tend to it like a master gardener.  Cultivate it.  Cherish it, Retreat to it, Nourish it, Value, Respect, Love and Adore it.  Others don't tend to theirs and they will rape yours.  So, be ever vigilant and protective.  The meek are doing naught but tending to their creative life force emanating from their black hole whether they know it or not, and they are bliss.  All that is most worthy is theirs.

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