Sunday, January 30, 2011

Simultaneous Exothermic Reactions

Regarding the Law of Attraction and creating abundance, my thoughts are that rather than thinking about what I don't have and then trying to create it, it is more effective to Court your desires like courting a woman from the heart, as the heart has nuclear power and the mind only has something equivalent to electromagnetic powers. 

In other words, it is not always best to be like the yang-natured aggressive man longing for a woman and setting his plans into action.  If you are stuck and just can't seem to get what your head tells you want, give your feminine a chance for a change.  It is often more effective to be like the passive subtle yin-natured woman with multiple courters, awaiting the right man while employing all of her mannerisms and feminine skills. 

Don’t cheapen yourself and weaken your will with overexposure, like a child whining for something.  Stand in your body, with awareness, feel what you want in your gut, and command it.  In the same way we can create everything we want by assuming a yin nature and allowing what we want to find us.  You can even court God.  Wait in calling like a woman - a powerful worthy woman - with inner knowledge and court your heart’s desires.  They will find you. 

However, if we want to stay in our male roles, then it may be better to set about your desires in much the way the man coaxes the woman's orgasm to come hither with all of his focus, presence, passion and mastered skill for HER satisfaction and pleasure.  Gentlemen, don't just jump on it.

Regarding Simultaneous Exothermic Reactions: one was happening in the fireplace Saturday evening.  You figure out where the other was.

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